magnetic laws - translation to ρωσικά
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magnetic laws - translation to ρωσικά

Magnetic pistols; Magnetic exploder; Magnetic influence

magnetic laws      
законы магнетизма
magnetic flux density         
  • [[Hans Christian Ørsted]], ''Der Geist in der Natur'', 1854
  • A sketch of Earth's magnetic field representing the source of the field as a magnet. The south pole of the magnetic field is near the geographic north pole of the Earth.
  • A [[Solenoid]] with electric current running through it behaves like a magnet.
  • '''M'''}} inside and outside a cylindrical bar magnet.
Magnetic flux density; B-Field; B-field; Magnetic field density; Magnetic Field; Magnetic field strength; Magnetic force field; Nonlinear magnetic field; Magnetic fields; Magnetic Flux Density; H-field; Magnatic field; B-fields; Magnetic field lines; Magnetic field line; Magnetizing field; Auxiliary magnetic field; H field; Effective magnetic field; Potential magnetic field; Magnetic field intensity; Strong magnetic field; Magnetic field energy density; Magnetic Field Energy Density; Magnetic field vector; Magnetic lines of force; Amperes per meter; Amperes per metre; Applied magnetic field; Ampere per metre; Magnetic vector
[физ.] индукция магнитная
magnetic medium         
  • HP-41-series]] (from 1979) could store data via an external magnetic tape storage device on [[microcassette]]s
  • Hard drives use magnetic memory to store giga- and terabytes of data in computers.
Magnetic medium; Magnetic recording; Magnetic disk; Magnetic Disk; Magnetic Recording; Magnetic media; Magnetic Media; Magnetic Storage; Magnetic disk access time; Longitudinal magnetic recording; Longitudinal Magnetic Recording; Longitudinal recording; Longitudinal Recording; Shingled Recording; Magnetic data storage; Longitudinal recording mode; Horizontal recording mode; Horizontal recording; History of magnetic storage; 100 tpi; 48 tpi; 96 tpi
магнитный носитель (информации)



Лоос (Loos) Адольф (10.12.1870, Брюнн, ныне Брно, Чехословакия, - 22.8.1933, Вена), австрийский архитектор. Окончил Высшую техническую школу в Дрездене (1893). Работал в США (1893-1896), Париже (1923-28), но в основном в Вене (главный архитектор в 1920-22). Испытал влияние Л. Салливена. С конца 1890-х гг. выступал против стиля "Модерн" в архитектуре, противопоставляя его живописности и обильной орнаментике рационализм и подчёркнутый аскетизм своих сооружений, выявление специфики строительных материалов (ст. "Орнамент и преступление", 1908; интерьер бара Кернтнера, 1907, дом на пл. Михаэлерплац, проект квартала Хойберг, 1922, - все в Вене). В творчестве Л., особенно с середины 20-х гг., ощутимы неоклассицистические тенденции, а также воздействие Кубизма (дом Т. Тцары в Париже, середина 20-х гг.) и интерес к народному зодчеству (дом Кунера в Пайербахе, 1930).

Соч.: Die Schriften, Bd 1-2, Innsbruck, 1931.

Лит.: Мастера архитектуры об архитектуре, М., 1972, с. 138-58; Münz L., A. Loos, Mil., 1956.

А. Лоз. Дом Штайнера в Вене. 1910.


Magnetic pistol

Magnetic pistol is the term for the device on a torpedo or naval mine that detects its target by its magnetic field, and triggers the fuse for detonation. A device to detonate a torpedo or mine on contact with a ship or submarine is known as a contact pistol.

A magnetic pistol on a mine will allow the mine to detonate in proximity to a target, rather than actual contact, allowing the mine to cover a larger effective area.

A magnetic pistol on a torpedo allows the torpedo to detonate underneath the ship, instead of upon impact with the side of the ship. As an explosion underneath a ship is contained between water and the ship, far more damage will result to the ship. The explosion will lift the ship out of the water and may break the keel of the ship, splitting it in two. Any hole created by the explosion will be on the bottom, causing more flooding.

A contact pistol on a torpedo will require the torpedo to strike the side of the ship. Any hole created by the explosion will be closer towards the waterline, reducing flooding. The explosion will also dissipate into the air, reducing the damage. If the torpedo is fired too deep, the torpedo will not hit the ship. If the ship has a round or sloping bottom, the torpedo may glance off the bottom and not detonate.

Μετάφραση του &#39magnetic laws&#39 σε Ρωσικά